I have stumbled upon people discussing this curious topic. Is this real or unreal? I believe most of us when we were young would have kept our ears so close to our ancestors to hear the story, and they make us feel real. According to Hindu...
Somewhere at a random point in the universe is the milky way, there exists a small sun with eight planets orbiting it and the third planet from that small sun which is called earth, the planet from where you are reading this text from. The Milky W...
The lego games such as LEGO batman or star wars are merely some mediocre adventurous games that ate very entertaining for small children.
Halloween is really fun, especially for children since it gives them reason to eat lot of candy and get toothaches in the process which is not that...
From a navigation point of view, after getting into earth’s orbit, one will encounter 3000 dead satellites and the total number of space debris is closer to 500,000 all of which can make navigation that much harder. While pulling the satellites fr...