My life has been very struggling since childhood. We all lived in a joint family consisting of grandparents, uncles, and aunts, and our family with mother-father and my two younger siblings. The joint business had some limitations with the financial resource. The withdrawals were not sufficient to meet the extra edge in some basic privileges. The time kept on running, and I and my two younger sisters crossed the teenage. Both sisters were brilliant in the studies since childhood, and I was an average student securing in the 70s. I was good at athletics and a few games. In this tenure, my mother was the most balanced person, whom I call a divine soul.
It is generally seen that big families tumble because of the financial crunch. Despite we had gone through difficult times; we kept moving as this is the only meaning of life. If life was so smooth, then it would have been Paradise on Earth. With time, everything changes. Difficult moments pass and one enters into a new horizon. We all are well – settled in our respective lives with an abundance of love and encouragement flowing in the garden of life. The never-dying attitude in the three of us has let things going as per the plans. We are aware that until we are alive, this struggle will continue to test our patience.
Positivity drives us and we as a knitted family keep in touch with each other. And why crib when God has been kind enough to cross the deep waters with ease. Rather we feel proud that the struggles have come in our youth and middle age, at least we know how to handle the situations even in the dire stage. We are blessed to have the best parents in our lives. They are the motivating source and the best teachers to guide.
The struggles are the motivating force. They bring opportunity to rise and ride the tides and currents. I am fortunate to face these hardships to take the challenges of life. In these tides; I have/had seen many new opportunities knocking on the door. I didn’t plunge in all as many seemed unrealistic and false pride.
I have been driven by my writing passion, which started with blogs and has now taken a new horizon of writing poems in English and Hindi both. Those poems have taken great heights with my hard work and perseverance. I started writing a few lines, and later on, plunged into long lines with rhymes and meters. My pen flows spontaneously. I just love this passion as it’s like a healing tool to me and many souls. The creativity started when I pen down a few short stories of three hundred words plus.
My objective through my writings is to create an aura of peace and harmony. We all are creators of God and have brotherly and sisterhood love. The world is falling apart with heinous crimes and corruption. Every now and then, we hear scams and frauds prevalent. Our great country, India has a depth of brilliant youngsters, but due to the quota system and discrimination; the deserving candidates are deprived of the seat and package. Many have diverted to other countries for better perspectives. Our govt. should create job opportunities and infrastructure for the bright and deserving candidates. There should not be gender and regional discrimination.
My professional and passion have taken dizzy heights, as I remain positive even in adverse conditions. I see every difficult hour to learn and experience new things. You fall and learn from your mistakes. This is with everyone; no one came learning. Your life is one of the biggest exams. You go through a rollercoaster ride. I am proud of my achievements, and furthermore chapters of success waiting to welcome me. I am highly obliged to my good wishers, whether they appreciate my work or criticize it. Something one should appreciate or learn. There is no fixed age to learn or carry your passion and profession. It is your inner desire and willingness to make a mark in this vast ocean.
Standing strong like a pillar under the shadow of Almighty God; one can break the shackles and cross the dark cages, and climb the ladders. Nothing comes in one day. There will be many who will lift you, and many who will obstruct your path. Listen to your voice and connect with the divine Lord to take strength. A calm mind can only be positive and uplift itself through visualization and creativity!
Rajan Mehra