7 Books That Prep You For The Corporate World

7 Books That Prep You For The Corporate World

Readers become leaders. Without reading it is impossible to learn and know the world, the things beyond our reach and the skills that we need to acquire. Every successful person would say they like to read at least for some part of the day.

Maybe these are not the storybooks we lived our childhoods through, but the books that make a person really prepared for the corporate world are not boring either. When read thoroughly, the books give us the vision on how to achieve glory in the corporate world, without hampering anything.

Even the world’s top leaders admit they learned greatly from stories they listened to from their close ones. But for the corporates like us, who are not privileged enough to spend time with the close ones, might be able to overcome the barrier by reading.

Books are available in the internet stores as e-books, in paper prints at stores, and in the form of audio in different social channels.

For those, who want to read and read, here is a list of the 7 Books That Prep You For The Corporate World.

1. As a Man Thinketh

Written by James Allen

This book guides us to the way of living. It states that a pure mind can win anything with purity in life. It teaches how to control every act we perform in everyday life and how to maintain a friendly attitude towards everyone who is harmful and not harmful. James Allen, an English author, born in the mid-1800, became an executive secretary at the age of 38 of a large company.

Allen has 19 works to his name and guides along with his writing towards happiness and confidence. Some of the toughest questions in life are answered in this book. This book has helped millions of people for more than a century. A good read to start with.



2. How to Win Friends and Influence People

Written by Dale Carnegie

It is a wide known fact that Warren Buffet, the world’s one of the most successful investor, completed the Carnegie course at the age of 20! It is a known fact that we must follow great people, and then it is concluded that this is a must-read book. In this book, Carnegie talks about the power of communication, how listening is important, and how it is important to remember people we meet.

This book gives the power of overcoming the toughest of challenges while being in continuous connection with people who are annoying. Overall, the book is very important for living a corporate life.

3. Rich Dad, Poor Dad

Written by Robert T. Kiyosaki

This book differentiates the living of the author by his two dads (one real dad and another whom he called the rich dad). The author talks about the difference in choices that made someone rich and some poor.

From this book, the main lesson one can learn is how financial strategies make a person rich and not working 24/7.





4. Think and Grow Rich

Written by Napoleon Hill

The book is written based on the author’s works on human study. For more than 20 years, Napoleon studied many people and learned about their fortunes and misfortunes. From those, he concluded how different habits make few people achieve success. In this book, his observations on the habits of people give us the laws of living life to achieve success.

There are 16 laws in this book to learn from and the readers like us get to know the inner desire, the faith to wisdom and happiness, and overcoming negativity in life to remain focus towards long-term goals. Not only for corporates, this book is worth reading for living life surrounded by positivity.

5. The Magic of Thinking Big

Written by David J. Schwartz

This book lets us think about why we are human, and why we are gifted with the best thing in the universe – the ability to think. It let out our inbuilt desire to think beyond our capacity and take each cautious step towards winning the accomplishments we want. It keeps our focus intact to the goals we want to achieve, keeps us working, yet lets us plan time to think and set and reset our path towards the desire.

It depicts real-life scenarios for explanation to let us know how important some people are in our lives, and by caring for them, we plant success.




6. Emotional Intelligence

Written by Daniel Goleman

The author states in this book that we cannot ignore emotional intelligence and only give importance to IQ for attaining success. He states that emotional intelligence is crucial in every step – academic, professional, social, and interpersonal to learn how to keep feet on the ground and never


7. The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership

Written by John C. Maxwell

Stating the leadership qualities to change lives, the author has listed the laws based on his life experience of over thirty years. He discusses the successes and mistakes with detailed observations on business, politics, sports, religion, and military conflict. Some state that this is a life-changing book. Some of the laws listed by the author for leadership include the law of lid, the law of influence, the law of inner circle, the law of empowerment, the law of priorities, and the law of legacy.

All total, there are 21 laws listed which are actually powerful for real-life applications. This surely deserves a read time.


These are just seven books which according to me are a must-read. Opinions vary. And also talking about books, there are innumerable books to read from. But when selection becomes tough, try to go for these books.
