Top 5 Must Haves for a Nature Friendly Abode

Top 5 Must Haves for a Nature Friendly Abode

Concerns about the environment have gushed in recent years. Every individual aspires to have a fine-looking home for himself. But it can be made more beautiful and Nature Friendly Abode by following very simple methods which in turn makes our homes viable to nature and achieve self sufficiency and put out our hands in saving this mother earth from further destruction. If you are really desperate to make our environment healthy it must begin from our little castles. Let's begin with it;

Water Conservation- 

Water ConservationThis is all about to manage the natural resource of fresh water and to protect the water that reaches the earth. It is a very simple task to install these at your dwellings with one time investment. Let's recollect the quote " Save water and, it will save you"

Rain Water Harvesting (RWH): Install RWH system at your house and use it for your needs. It involves collection of water from roof and storing it in tanks, rather than allowing it to run off. Which ensures the availability of water for future generations to come.  

Ground Water Recharge pits: It is a simple way out to increase the ground water table. Recharge pits are closed well like structure, which is covered by filling the stones, after digging the land to make a pit. The pit, is aimed for recharging the borewell, must be constructed near the borewell, as close as possible, else it will act as pit to recharge the excess water back to its origin.

Energy  Conservation

Energy Conservation

Main focus is to reduce the consumption of energy by using less of an energy service. Energy has to be conserved by reducing wastage and losses occurred due to human negligence. Basic changes which can be inculcated is replacing all the light fixtures with LED bulbs, switch of lights after use and can watch out for the reduction in electricity bill charges.

During construction of the house it must be ensured proper planning must be done to allow maximum natural light openings. Natural light decreases the production of harmful organisms and bacteria that can grow in your home.

Solar panel installation are an essential feature for any eco home. Providing you with completely clean electricity they can sometimes even make enough energy to allow you to sell some excess back to the electricity board. Solar panels are certainly a long-term investment and it has been suggested that it will take around 20 years for you to break even depending on where you live. But remember this is not just a monetary investment – it’s an opportunity to break towards all odds and be eco-friendly.

Ventilation :

A House With Ventilation

Good health is an indicator of breathing clean and fresh air. This can be recovered by having exhaust, supply, balanced, heat-recovery and well organised  inlet and outlet circulation of fresh air into the interiors. Using the AC all day every day is definitely not viable.

Simple ways is to upgrade curtains and blinds is definitely a great way to maintain the temperature and make your home more environmentally-friendly.

Keeping your windows closed, heat and cold air can still creep in but keeping it open certainly lets in fresh air. Proper circulation of air must be ensured.

Composting & Gardening:


We are at brink of deforestation and it's high time to join hands to work for a-forestation. This is for all the homeowners who want to contribute a bit. Composting is a process wherein it adds the nutrients  back to the soil, recycles kitchen waste (decomposable waste) and converts it into a nutrients rich manure.

This homogenized manure helps in growing plants and vegetables at your backyards or little garden outlets at your terraces. It helps you create your own plant decors to make it sustainable and beautiful naturally. "Go green and stay clean".

Plant trees and gift trees and as always try out this at least at special occasions "Each One Plant One" should be followed and made mandatory as such.

Create Awareness


An home should be such a place where you enjoy the most and relaxed. Our actions must always be governed in terms of responsiveness towards our mother earth who is the store house for all our needs and needs to be cherished and put into safe hands before its completed depleted. Specially the children's must be involved in all possible way to make them aware of environment needs and how to take care of it.

We must try to maintain an balanced ecosystem, without disturbing its lifecycle. The 3R principle Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, should be enforced. Always reach out to create awareness and bring in some simply steps to eradicate the violations in creating eco world.

Creating an Eco-Friendly home, rejuvenates your health and safeguards the health of the environment too.... Green homes are becoming a lot more popular and accepted worldwide.

You may want to consider building an eco-friendly home to lower your carbon footprint and join hands to build an healthier ecosystem. Let us all take up this initiative and get going today....
