Three Promising Technologies in Cancer Treatment

Three Promising Technologies in Cancer Treatment

Cancer technology developments are essential to reducing incidence rates, extending life expectancy, and advancing the search for a cancer cure. Because of this, novel molecular biology techniques like gene-editing tools and nanomedicine may have an impact on how cancer is treated in the future. New cancer therapies might be inspired by advances in computer science, such as those in artificial intelligence and virtual reality.

With earlier cancer detection and better quality of life for all cancer patients, these new technologies and advancements in cancer therapy might completely change how we approach the illness. The potential of cutting-edge technologies in the treatment of cancer has been examined in this article.

Potential of AI in Cancer Treatment

Artificial intelligence, commonly known as AI, is being used more and more by cancer researchers to diagnose malignancies earlier, discover novel cancer therapies, and stop the growth of cancerous tumours. Artificial intelligence refers to computer programmes that follow instructions in order to do useful tasks. These guidelines, which are known as algorithms, work like the instructions in a pie recipe.

A small study was conducted in 2020 to see if artificial intelligence (AI) could determine whether immunotherapy promoted cancer growth in a small subset of lung cancer patients. The study was conducted by researchers at Case Western Reserve University and Cleveland Clinic, among other Ohio cancer centres.

The outcomes demonstrated that biomarkers that might predict which of the 109 non-small cell lung cancer patients in the research will suffer tumour development following immunotherapy were found using AI to analyse CT images of tissue. This technique will be used by researchers to train computers to become more adept at spotting cancer and other ailments.

AI may help MRI and CT scanners provide better medical scan images. By making the scan more accurate, it would also lower the radiation exposure to the patients. In 1965, researchers created DENDRAL, one of the early AI algorithms, to aid chemists in the discovery of previously unidentified drug types.

Implementation of Virtual Reality

Virtual reality has made progress in the management of cancer symptoms, even if it has not yet reached the level of possibly curative treatment for cancer patients. Through specialised eyewear, virtual reality, commonly known as VR, enables patients to engage with a simulated world. The system substitutes the user's vision with an imagined scene.

Some simulations include tranquil settings, such a beach with birds and waves chirping. Others could offer instructive scenes that show the cancer patient's diagnosis. According to a 2020 research that appeared in the Journal of Cellular Physiology, VR use during chemotherapy improved the emotions of breast cancer patients.

According to the study, the patients were immersed in scenarios with animals and the outdoors. Compared to the other women who did not experience virtual reality during therapy, these women had lower levels of anxiety, despair, and exhaustion. These kinds of outcomes demonstrate how virtual reality (VR) might provide psychological support for cancer patients as a palliative treatment, which may increase survival and quality of life.

In 2020, Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa teamed up with Ringling College of Art and Design to develop a virtual reality application that would assist cancer patients feel less stressed, link them to survivor tales, and better comprehend their cancer treatment.

Cancer therapy with nanofiber devices

The use of implanted sensors to more precisely administer anticancer drugs than current methods has been the main use of nanotechnology in cancer treatment. Nanotechnology is concerned with the creation, use, and application of very tiny systems and technologies. The length of these devices typically ranges from one to 900 nanometers. It's difficult to imagine how little that might possibly be. In contrast, the growth rate of a human fingernail is one nanometer every second. Additionally, a human hair is 100,000 nanometers in width.

Using a spray-on hydrogel during surgery, a research team at the National Cancer Institute released their findings on an avant-garde treatment for pleural mesothelioma in 2022. The novel method of treating mesothelioma includes sprinkling genetically modified nanoparticles on the disease site to remove any tumour cells that may have survived surgery.

Emergent Materials presented a research report in February 2021 that suggested deploying nano-based antimicrobial technology in personal equipment to shield healthcare personnel from viral illnesses like COVID-19.

In 2020, a different research team created a mint-sized gadget to administer the common chemotherapy medication cisplatin locally. The cisplatin delivered by the device was "very hazardous" to breast and liver cancer cells, according to the lab study. Researchers at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center started working on a biosensor that may be placed in the uteruses of women who are at a high risk of getting ovarian cancer in 2019.

If the intrauterine device finds high local levels of ovarian cancer biomarkers, it will promptly notify the treating physician. If the device's development is successful, it may enhance early detection and result in more specialised therapies.

Towards Brighter Future

It's no secret that lack of funds is the biggest obstacle to cancer research and treatment technologies. It costs money to develop a cancer breakthrough. To ensure patient safety during clinical research studies, qualified staff and sufficient funding are required. New cancer technologies, however, are crucial milestones in the direction of a world free of cancer. Fortunately, the science underlying modern improvements in cancer technologies is getting better.

With a commitment to science and research, the possibilities are endless. There is a tremendous chance for more researchers to discover a cure for cancer thanks to a promising future for cancer treatment technologies and advancements in cancer therapy.
