I have stumbled upon people discussing this curious topic. Is this real or unreal? I believe most of us when we were young would have kept our ears so close to our ancestors to hear the story, and they make us feel real. According to Hindu philosophy, there are four yugas. Satya, Treta, Dwapar and Kali which the universe goes through in a cycle. Every phase lasts for tens of thousands of years.
Satyayuga, it has another name "The Krita Yuga" it is believed to be first and the best Yuga among all the other three. The specialty is that people living in that era will witness only truth and honesty. Also, it is also referred to as the "golden age" of morality and the nonexistence of dishonesty.
The time period of the Satya Yuga was 100,000 years. As per belief, after the completion of Satya Yuga, mankind progresses into fewer progressive yugas, the final one being Kali Yuga, which is the final one in the cycle.
There is also an interesting belief that the marriage of Almighty Lord shiva and Goddess Sati taken place during the Satya Yuga. This era was under the control of the gods and the people had peace, lived happily and no enmity just like the people have in Kaliyuga.
The deity behind Satya Yuga
The Lord Maha Vishnu incarnated in four avatars during the Satya Yuga: Matsya (a fish), Kurma (a tortoise), Varaha (a boar), and Narasimha (a half-lion, half-man). It was Manu’s Dharma Shashtra that was the main text followed during this period.
During those times, there was no discrimination among castes and communities, and everyone had a peaceful life. In fact, people were leading a utopian way of life. Moreover, dance did not exist, and all were happy without it. Even temple was not there and no need for that as the presence of god was seen everywhere. The other fact was that there were no agricultural activities performed by anyone.
What now?
Presently, we are in the Kaliyuga, and once it has come to an end, the Satya Yuga will emerge once more. It is all about the fall of ethics, and human consciousness shall come back and truth will reign again. In the Bhagavad Gita, one interesting message is shared. For the sake of the good and the demolition of the evil, and for the purpose of bringing back justice, the god Krishna incarnates in every yuga.
Satya Yuga concept in Hinduism
It is believed that, as per the Hindu Purana, there was already a Satya Yuga, which was completed and will happen again. Satya Yuga once again the good is valued over evil. When the Yuga commences, every need of the common people will be met by the power of will. With reference to the existed times the good quality was the abandonment of unwanted desires. As we all know that in the Kaliyuga people suffer from various sorts of illness whereas in Satya Yuga it will be time without ailments. Everyone will have a blissful time.
In contrast with the people of Kaliyuga, the Satya Yuga people will be self-satisfied, kind, very friendly to all, and tolerant. They never look for things to find the pleasure rather find within themselves. Also, they treat everyone equally with respect and work harder for spiritual perfection. The ideal desire is to worship the almighty through strong meditation involving internal and external sense control.
It is believed that the lord looked white with four-armed, matted locks and wore a cloth made of tree bark. The people lived in the last Satya Yuga for around 4000 years. We can expect that in the new Satya Yuga, they will have the same lifespan. Besides, the child will not have a miserable life when they lose their parents.
The people, such as Vaishyas, Shudras, Brahmins, and Kshatriyas, will be equipped with all the good virtues. Also, they mentor everyone on all the best qualities for a human being.
Considering everything into account. We can anticipate that there may be a time wherein the Kaliyuga will end and the Satya Yuga will start. It might be a time of positivity among the people. Let everyone have a precious and valuable time in that Yuga.