Top 5 SEO Tips For Creating Best Content

Top 5 SEO Tips For Creating Best Content

Content marketing can take businesses places. However, content in itself is more of a science. A strategically written content can bring exceptional traffic.

Let’s find out how.

1. Original content always wins

Original content always wins

This is an understatement, but while uploading any content, the first point to be kept in mind that it should not be copied from any other source, i.e. it should be original. If you can include fresh updates, researches, valid information, and some data points in your write-up, you’ll be throwing out tons of opportunities for other websites to link to you, not to mention incredible value for your user or audiences.

More than 50 percent of marketers who use original research in their content say it exceeded or met expectations. Many people have many choices to prepare content. Either you can take a tour of websites or you can research other related contents by other authors.

Many people has given nice statements on the topics so you can place them as a quote in your article. But never copy the content from other people to fill your page.

2. Correct Topics with targeted Keywords

Correct Topics with targeted Keywords

If your SEO content won’t reach the right people with targeted keywords, then somehow you ensure the effort which you have put is not worth. Now the question will arise what is “targeted keywords”? How can we put it inside the content? Is there any particular place to place it?  Yes, there is an answer to it, and we should know all about it so that apart from your effort, other supported sources will start working for you too. These are nothing but some key terms and phrases for which your user or audience niche is actively searching.

To know more about these terms, you need to initially know-

  • Who will be your user/audience are.
  • What information they are wondering for.
  • Why they will do with that information.
  • What keywords they're typing in search engines to get that

Don’t sweat about how to overcome this, we can with some simple activities:

  • User or audience Research:
  • Identify the audience which you think they need or search what service you are giving.
  • Search in other platforms online where they congregate.
  • Connect with them and collect the information.
  • List out their personal habits, preferences, demographics, marketing fields.

Keyword Research:

  • Find relevant, profitable keywords that relate to your expertise, your products/services, and your audience’s search intent.
  • Include the low or medium Keywords and take the help of Keyword planners too.

3. Must be User Readability

Must be User Readability

SEO content which can take to the top of SERPs doing few things going for it, including this major feature:

It’s a must-have for the content to be readable by any level of user. When your reader or audience clicks your link, every single element on the page makes them want to stay and read it.

They will stay and read so that it will make your page look more accessible to Google. It will indicate or give a message, “This page is relevant to the search query and the user has found the information they were looking for!” That signal is called dwell time – or, the amount of time that passes between the point when you click on a search result and the point when you return to the results page.

This page will have Clarity, well-organized, in-logic and simple. When the content is understandable to more people, more people will stay longer, which will help your Google rankings.

A big SEO trend is creating content that goes deeper and farther into a topic. This works for higher rankings because, according to digital marketer Eric Enge, Google is “intensifying its focus” on content quality. This is what Enge said in a recent trends post from Danny Goodwin on SEJ: “We tracked the SEO performance of a number of different sites. The sites that provided exceptional depth in quality content coverage literally soared in rankings throughout the year. Sites that were weaker in their content depth suffered in comparison.

4. Improve Your Page Speed

Improve Your Page Speed

Another important way to improve your SEO content is to improve your page speed. It helps your pages and content loading faster. The slower the page speed, you’ll make your users to disconnect from the website and even chances are, they never come back. As no one has time to sit around waiting for a website to load, isn't it?

According to a BBC News report, half of shoppers won’t wait more than 3 seconds for a retail page to load. And research from the Nielsen Norman Group revealed that most users will leave pages within 10-20 seconds.

To improve your page speed, you need to check how to improve page speed to avoid loading and to get more traffic & conversions.

Few ways to increase your page speed:

  • Optimize images
  • Reduce redirections.
  • Enable compression.
  • Leverage browser caching
  • Minify CSS, JavaScript, and HTML.
  • Improve server response time.

5. Use Proper Keywords inside the content

Use Proper Keywords inside the content

 I am assuming that you are done with initial stage of keyword research and you have a target keyword (or focus keyword). Since we are determined to get our article to all the users who spending time in search engines with inserting different keywords, we must not ignore those as well.

First, use your main keyword in the first couple of sentences of your content, or at least within the first paragraph. Next, use that keyword and variations of it, throughout the content, as shown below. The best practice is to include latent semantic indexing (LSI) keywords rather than the exact keyword every time.

Use in some other places as well:

  • Insert keywords in Meta Description
  • Use keywords in Article Title
  • Insert keywords in first 200 words and last 200 words

Basically, keyword optimization is making sure your content contains enough instances of your keywords, which are words or phrases commonly used in search engines to find what you offer.
